New England School of Homeopathy

The Herscu Letter

UPDATE: Now that we are offering ONLINE learning options and incorporating the Herscu Letters into many of those courses logically sequenced as supplemental materials, we are phasing out the monthly Herscu Letter subscription option.


CONTACT US if you are still interested in receiving the Herscu Letters to discuss what options might be currently available.

CLICK HERE for more information about CYCLES and SEGMENTS.


We have left the information below for Archive purposes and for those who want to know a bit more about what the Herscu Letter entails.


Coming to a computer near you: an exciting way to broaden your understanding of homeopathy.

In the convenience of your own home, learn a systematic approach to the practice of homeopathy. Dr. Paul Herscu writes on essential points of practice and illustrates these points through patient examples. Dr. Herscu teaches his unifying approach to the practice of homeopathy through tools such as Cycles and Segments and Maps of Hierarchy. You will learn how these tools inform and shape his approach to case taking, case analysis, use of the repertory, differential diagnosis of the remedies, studying materia medica and managing long-term follow up.

This case-based style of learning is practical and hands on and has been an essential component to the training and subsequent practice of the many homeopaths using the Herscu approach in the USA and Europe. The main benefit to this practical philosophy and methodology is in assisting you in developing a clear thinking process that helps both with straightforward and challenging patients.

Here’s how it works:

On the first and third Thursday of each month, you will receive The Herscu Letter via email. Each Letter discusses a particular issue in homeopathy. After a short discussion of the issue, pertinent questions are posed. Sometimes the questions relate to a point in practice, sometimes they relate to a case or two that are found in The Letter. Your job is to answer those questions as best as possible. Through this active process, your learning is more effective.

Two weeks later, you receive your next Letter which briefly reviews the basic ideas from the previous Letter and provides a detailed explanation of the questions asked as well as an analysis of the cases presented i.e., how we arrive at the remedy. The Letter then ends with another case and set of questions to be worked on until the following Letter arrives two weeks later.

This process repeats itself until the first issue is looked at from all angles and from different levels of complexity. We then pick up a second topic, and so proceed through the major issues in our field.

There are three points we strive for. First is relevance. All cases offer informational points based on real cases, which can then be applied to other cases. Second, all Letters expand one’s understanding of Homeopathy while pulling together much of the homeopathic knowledge and experience you already have. Third, we know people are busy. The Letters are to the point, aiming for concise descriptions of identified problems and presenting practical solutions to those problems.