Articles on Homeopathy …
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Cognitive Decline and Healthy Aging
Insomnia and Other Sleep Issues
Treating Cancer
Treating Children with Homeopathy
Thoughts on the Treatment of Pain & the Ongoing Opioid Crisis
Treating Influenza and other Epidemics
Interviews / Lectures / Seminar Reviews
Cycles and Segments Approach
Sample Articles from the New England Journal of Homeopathy
Other Published Articles
Articles in Spanish & German
Treating Influenza and other Epidemics:
Epidemic Updates from Paul Herscu ND, MPH: The influenza division of Herscu Laboratory, a 501(c)(3) non-profit multi-disciplinary medical research laboratory, presents this resource for timely updates on current epidemics (influenza or otherwise). Be sure to sign up at bottom of this blog to receive notice of new postings directly via email. Or follow @PaulHerscu on Twitter.
Herscu Laboratory: Influenza Center Website
Information on ordering Herscu Letters #33-38 focusing on Homeopathic Treatment during Epidemics
Past Epidemics, discussions and updates: 2001-Present
by Dr Paul HerscuTreating Influenza and other Epidemics
On-line Chat with Guest Speaker Amy Rothenberg, ND DHANP
December 2009, National Center for HomeopathyHomeopathy’s Effectiveness in Treating Epidemics & Flu – watch Dr. Herscu’s lecture on this topic in November 2009 at the AZNMA (Arizona Naturopathic Medical Association) Conference. (Note: this video starts out by jumping quickly between a variety of images. Dr. Herscu’s talk will be begin if you let it run through those quickly.)
Various Journal Articles Regarding Influenza including:
Never Well Since the Flu, by Dr Amy Rothenberg
Preventing and treating the flu: A natural medicine perspective, by Dr Amy Rothenberg
The Genus Epidemicus, by Dr Paul Herscu
Interviews / Lectures / Seminar Reviews:
Dr. Rothenberg Discusses Homeopathic Treatments
Listen to interview by radio host Dr. Matt Andry
December 11, 2009Homeopathy & Autism
Report on a presentation by Paul Herscu, ND, DHANP NCH Annual Conference,
April 2001 – Boston, MA
by Spero LatchisInterview of Amy Rothenberg ND
by Alan Schmukler, August 2008Interview of Paul Herscu ND MPH
by Greg Cooper, May 26, 2005Interview of Paul Herscu and Amy Rothenberg – directors of NESH
by Alan Schmukler, January 2013Just the Facts Ma’am: What Every Homeopath Wants their Patients to Know
Review of a talk given by Amy Rothenberg ND at the National Center of Homeopathy Annual Convention.
March 1998, San Diego, California.
By Sada Sat Kaur KhalsaThe A Cappella Singer Who Lost Her Voice and Other Tales from Natural Medicine
Listen to lecture given by Amy Rothenberg, ND March 2010Treating Depression at the Annual Meeting of Licensed Medical Professionals for Homeopathy
seminar review Amy Rothenberg, ND
by Jean HoaglandTreatment of children with Attention Deficit Disorder & Hyperactivity
Review of a Seminar by Paul Herscu, ND
by Frank W. Gruber, M.D.Troubled Children
Paul Herscu lecturing on
by Julian Jonas, CAWhat Every Homeopath Wants Their Patient to Know
Review of CD by Dr. Amy Rothenberg, ND
Published in: The American Homeopath, 2009 Volume 15
Review by: Richa Eland, RSHom, CCH
Cycles and Segments Approach:
A Case of Severe Vertigo: a Cycles & Segments Approach
by Amy Rothenberg, NDThe Herscu Letter: Teaching Exceptional Homeopathy Over The Internet
by Gregory Pais, ND, DHANPWhat is “Cycles and Segments?”
NCH Summer School 1999 * Stories & Scenes Review: A New Method of Finding the Simillimum Report on a Presentation
by Paul Herscu, ND
by Laura Lohman-Gannan, DHM
Cycles and Segments Cases:
A Case of Childhood Depression
by Robert Kaladish, MDDifficult Cases – Frustrating Ordeals or Learning Experiences?
by Frank Gruber MDOppositional Defiant Disorder: A Case of Platinum metallicum
by Dr. Amy Rothenberg, NDSeizures and Romance Novels
by Frank Gruber MD
Cycles and Segments Materia Medica:
Anacardium Fundamental Segments: The Mental Sphere
by Paul Herscu ND, MPHThe Cycle of Bothrops Lanceolatus
by Paul Herscu ND, MPHThe Cycle of Carcinosin
by Frank Gruber, MDThe Cycle of Conium Maculatum
by Paul Herscu ND, MPH with Chris Ryan MD
Other Sample Articles from the New England Journal of Homeopathy:
An Appreciation of Our Literature
by Richard Moskowitz, MD, DHTReflections on Death
by Nick Nossaman MDThe Natural Treatment of Hay Fever
by Lysanji Edson ND
NEJH Cases:
An Encounter with a Moose
by Carleen JohnsonMyalgic Encephalitis
by Todd Hoover, MDRemedies as Bridges
by Paul Herscu, NDThe Joy of Killing
by Amy Rothenberg, ND
NEJH Editorials:
Hello Dolly!
by Amy Rothenberg, NDThe Garden of Homeopathy
by Amy Rothenberg, NDTime
by Amy Rothenberg, NDVol 7 #2 Editorial
by Amy Rothenberg, NDVol 8 #2 Editorial
by Amy Rothenberg, NDVol 9 #1 Editorial
by Amy Rothenberg, ND
Other Published Articles:
Beating IBS: The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree
Helping Individuals and Families Over Time
by Amy Rothenberg NDBeating the winter blahs, feeling happy all year long: Shining Light on Seasonal Affective Disorder
by Amy Rothenberg NDCollege Bound: Pack the Kids Off to School with Natural Remedies
by Amy Rothenberg NDGetting Hip? (replacement): Rely on homeopathy & natural medicine to help relieve pain, support you through surgery, and get you back up and running.
by Amy Rothenberg NDGetting Older Getting Better: Healthy again with homeopathic and natural medicines
by Amy Rothenberg NDHeading off the Misery of Migraines
by Amy Rothenberg NDHello Health, Good-bye GI Complaints: Swift & sweet relief—after a long trip down conventional medicine’s primrose path
by Amy Rothenberg NDHer Summer with Mono: Illness just a speed bump for this active teen
by Amy Rothenberg NDI want to be in the Olympics: Homeopathy gives elite athletes an extra edge
by Amy Rothenberg NDNew Year’s Resolutions: Increasing Energy and Resolve
by Amy Rothenberg NDPreventing and Treating the Flu – A Natural Medicine Perspective
by Amy Rothenberg NDRESTORED: Intrusive, obsessive thoughts troubled him for 40 years, one remedy relieved him
by Amy Rothenberg NDSneezing and Yelling: Two Parts of One Whole, Homeopathy Helps a Severe Case of Hay Fever
by Amy Rothenberg NDSoftball in Spring: Homeopathy & natural medicine help one girl step up to the plate
by Amy Rothenberg NDSpringtime Joys & Challenges: Solutions For Seasonal Stings & Allergies
by Amy Rothenberg NDSticks & Stones Can Break a Bone – Fractures happen: Here’s how to help your body heal them
by Amy Rothenberg NDThe Accidental Addict: America’s Hidden Opioid Epidemic – Homeopathy’s role in pain treatment and recovery from addiction
Amy Rothenberg NDThe Homeopathic Treatment Of Cancer
by Dr. Amy RothenbergThere’s More than Something in a Sneeze
By Dr. Amy RothenbergTying the Knot: Homeopathic matchmaking? Overcoming the fear of commitment
by Dr. Amy Rothenberg NDWhat’s the diff?: Superbug wreaks havoc in hospitals and beyond: how to help people overcome C. diff infections
by Amy Rothenberg, NDWhen the Fabric of Safety Is Shattered: Healing from tragedies, terror & violence – natural help for PTSD
by Amy Rothenberg NDWhen the Diagnosis is Multiple Sclerosis: Homeopathy Offers Hope & Help
by Amy Rothenberg ND
Articles in Spanish:
Homeopatía para el tratamiento de afecciones cardíacas
por Amy Rothenberg, NDPrueba de Papanicolau anormal, verrugas genitales y herpes
por Amy Rothenberg, NDRemedios naturales para el tratamiento de cólicos
por Amy Rothenberg, ND
Articles in German:
Besondere Kinder
by Dr. Amy Rothenberg
Published in: Spektrum Der Homöopathie, NR. 1 2009

The New England School of Homeopathy
356 Middle Street – Amherst, Massachusetts 01002
Tel: (413) 256-5949 – Fax: (860) 253-5041
or describe your order via Email: NESH