12-Hour Level I Introducing the Fundamentals:
Open for Enrollment Beginning 1st of Each Month
INTRODUCING THE FUNDAMENTALS OF HOMEOPATHY Course: A brief but deep dive into history, theory, and practice highlighting the main tenets of homeopathy.

Drs. Herscu & Rothenberg at Hahnemann’s Statue in Wash DC
Taught by Drs. Paul Herscu and Amy Rothenberg, naturopathic physicians with 70+ years of cumulative experience teaching classical homeopathy and integrating constitutional homeopathy into their practice.
Flexibly access this 12-Hour Course entirely on-demand from the comfort of home during a 2-month viewing period!
FIVE GROUPS of people who will BENEFIT from this course:
- FUTURE HOMEOPATHS: health professionals who wish to learn more about homeopathic practice before pursuing more in-depth study.
- ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSIONALS: who want to learn more about homeopathic practice to understand the type of patient who might be best suited for a referral to a homeopath. In addition, those providers who want to be more informed themselves for their patients already receiving homeopathic treatment from another practitioner.
- HOMEOPATHIC PATIENTS: those seeking homeopathic care who want to better understand the philosophy and practice of homeopathy, as well as what homeopathy can and cannot do in the context of clinical care.
- LEGISLATORS, JOURNALISTS, COMMUNITY LEADERS and others who want to learn more about homeopathy to better understand the intersection of homeopathic practice and the current model of health care.
- NESH ALUMNI & CURRENT STUDENTS: can use this course to help organize and clarify how you talk to your colleagues and patients about homeopathy. Or recommend this course to your patients who want to be more informed about your work with them. It may even help fill in some foundational gaps and provide additional context to your prior studies.
The homeopathic practice presented in this course describes the novel and cohesive approach developed at the New England School of Homeopathy by Paul Herscu ND, MPH and Amy Rothenberg ND. It is deeply rooted within scientific traditions and their years of clinical experience which integrates well with established scientific and medical understanding. While our approach to homeopathy does not remove the past, it is uniquely informed by and centered within a 21st century medical model. As a result, most clinicians, scientists, and the public at large can integrate the material presented here with prior knowledge. Completing this course is a good jumping off point to gain understanding of principles behind homeopathic theory and practice, and towards applying for the NESH homeopathic practitioner course.
LEVEL I Tuition $480
Currently offering Special Community Appreciation RATE of $240
NESH Alumni half price Community Appreciation RATE $120
[BONUS for New Students who pay $240: if you enroll in the Level I Course you’ll receive a $120 tuition credit for the Two-Year Online Develop Expertise in Homeopathy Course starting February 1, 2025.]
• This Level I Course is open for enrollment beginning the first day of each month.
• To guarantee access on the first day of any given month, course registration must be completed 5 business days prior to your desired start date. Otherwise you will start you the beginning of the next month.
• You will have two months to complete the course with full access to the entire course during that time.
• The total number of required lecture hours is approximately 12, along with a bit of additional recommended reading at your discretion.
• This self-guided, on-demand course is accessed via our NESH Student Portal. High-speed internet access required.
• Course materials will be a mix of recorded lectures and downloadable supplemental materials, along with reading assignments, exercises, and a number of multiple choice quizzes.
• You will receive a certificate of completion for this course when you have viewed all recorded lecture materials and completed all required quizzes within the 2-month viewing period. All extra materials and study are considered optional.
• Hours for this course are not pre-approved for CE’s. Acceptance of this course for continuing education purposes will be at the individual discretion of any oversight board to which you submit.
This course is designed to be an introduction to the fundamentals of homeopathy. We delve into each facet of homeopathic theory, principle, and practice. This course offers a thorough foundation meant to be built upon, and to be relevant to a wide audience with diverse backgrounds and levels of experience.
- Introduction to the course
- Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (Samuel Hahnemann)
- An accidental proving
- The start of homeopathy – what is homeopathy
- A brief history of homeopathy
- Homeopathy within modern scientific thought
- Materia Medicas
- Repertories
- Proving books
- Philosophy books
- Therapeutic books
- Case books
- Raw sources
- Dosage and Preparation
- Hormesis
- HPUS/Pharmacopeia (also a book)
- Find the similimum
- One remedy at a time
- Treating the whole person
- Lowest effective dose
- First aid
- Acute
- Chronic
- Casetaking
- Analyzing the case
- The repertory and repertorizing
- How to give the remedy
- Remedy reactions
- The follow up visit
- Miasms
There is NO application required for this course.
• To join the Session which begins on April 1st, please complete your Registration by March 25th
• Next Session after that begins May 1st and on the first of each month thereafter
• You CAN enroll now and select the month you wish to start
To Enroll Simply Take these Two Steps:
1) PAY $240 Tuition below using PayPal link:
NOTE: You do not need to have a PayPal account to use this service; payments can be made as a “guest” using the “Pay Now” button above. Then scroll down to click on “Pay with Debit or Credit Card” if you do not wish to sign in with PayPal. To pay via VENMO – ask us.
If you prefer to pay via check or Visa/Mastercard/Discovery/Amex not via PayPal, contact us.
NESH Alumni: half price rate applies to anyone who has completed a full course of study with NESH. If you are unsure of your eligibility, confirm that with us first, then pay your $120 tuition below using PayPal link:
2) Once you’ve paid your tuition above, please complete the enrollment form below:
Pleas also specify which month you wish to begin the course and we will be in contact from there to set you up with access to the NESH Student Portal.
REMINDER: To guarantee access on the first day of any given month, BOTH steps above must be completed 5 business days prior to your desired start date. Otherwise we will start you at the beginning of the next month.