New England School of Homeopathy

NESH 8-Weekend Course 2018-2019: Portland, OR

Beginning January 2018 – May 2019

Portland, Oregon

Dates for 2018-2019 course:
January 19-21, 2018
November 2-4, 2018
March 2-4, 2018 January 11-13, 2019
May 11-13, 2018
March 8-10, 2019
September 28-30, 2018 May 10-12, 2019

32 general CEU’s approved by OBNM

Read what NESH alum have said about this course

Thank you for your interest in our upcoming New England School of Homeopathy 8 Weekend Course in Portland, Oregon. We are the longest continuous training program of classical homeopathy in the US. This letter will describe the goals and logistics of the course and should answer many of the questions you may have. Share on Facebook!

Please contact us to receive tuition details and an application, as well as information about the parallel 8 Weekend Course in Vancouver, Canada.

To apply electronically, find details here.

For A Sneak Preview… Join Drs. Amy Rothenberg & Paul Herscu for a FREE WEBINAR: Holism At The Heart Of Homeopathy, A Case Illustration. In this one hour webinar, they present an overview of their approach to homeopathic case taking and analysis using Cycles & Segments and illustrate using a case example. A mini lecture on the materia medica of Lac caninum also included! VIEW NOW!

This class is designed for experienced homeopaths as well as beginners. It is open to medical, naturopathic, chiropractic, and osteopathic physicians, acupuncturists, nurses, therapists, veterinarians, all of medical school students, and serious lay people interested in the practice of classical homeopathy. We will be teaching all of the basics from philosophy and case-taking to materia medica, repertory, case analysis and long-term follow-up care. And then proceed quickly to more advanced concepts which help translate the elegant philosophy of homeopathy into a successful and enjoyable practice. This method also assists practitioners in evaluating any other therapeutics in a logical and systematic way  to gauge the direction of cure.

We emphasize the Herscu method of Cycles and Segments which informs all aspects of practice. Cycles and Segments is a tool which allows us to help our patients more efficiently and with better results; it enables us to focus case-taking and offers a practical way of organizing and analyzing information gathered. This approach allows for the satisfying study of materia medica which is deep and integrated without the cumbersome memorization of long lists of individual symptoms.

Drs. Paul Herscu and Amy Rothenberg, well-known authors, lecturers and original thinkers in this field, are both 1986 graduates of the National College of Naturopathic Medicine (now NUNM) and have taught the art and science of homeopathy to 1000’s of practitioners in the US & abroad for going on 30 years.

The class is held for three days (Friday-Sunday), 8 times over 17 months. We meet from 6-9pm on Friday evening, and from 9am-5pm on Saturday and Sunday on the campus of the National University of Naturopathic Medicine (NUNM) in Portland, OR. Participants are given reading and homework assignments between sessions and are expected to come to class prepared. All students receive the Herscu Letter, which is a twice a month email lecture and problem-based learning exercise which is also required reading. These assignments underscore and reinforce classroom lecture material.

Our goal is to create a supportive learning environment where deep understanding is attained in a culture of respect, questioning and debate such that when the class is completed, these relationships add to the overall health of the homeopathic and naturopathic communities.

It is also our goal that every graduate of our program go on to enjoy a successful and satisfying practice of homeopathy in whatever context it might be used. With more and more Americans looking for complementary and alternative medicine solutions for their chronic health care problems, patients are searching for qualified homeopathic physicians and practitioners for help.

A welcome packet with class dates, information on travel and lodging and a pre-course reading list will be sent to you upon acceptance to the course.

For a succinct introduction to the Cycles and Segment approach, read Dr. Herscu’s Stramonium with an Introduction to Analysis through Cycles and Segments. Hundreds of homeopaths are applying this method to practice with rewarding results. It helps to make homeopathic practice less overwhelming and more enjoyable. To read up on cases treated in this fashion you can see either of the two issues of The New England Journal of Homeopathy (Volume 8, #s 1 & 2). The cases in these two volumes reflect and illustrate this approach.

We look forward to learning with you and helping you further your understanding of, and commitment to, homeopathy. Please contact us for more information.