Discounts for Herscu Letter Subscribers
As a current, paying subscriber to the Herscu Letter, you will receive a 20% discount off of our available books, audio and video tape sets as well as back issues of the New England Journal of Homeopathy.
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In addition we also offer discounts for study groups subscribing to the Herscu Letter.
For a group of six or more students starting the Letter at the same time, there is a 40% discount off the subscription price (making the price $11.40 a month per student). Each study group member receives his or her own copy of the Letter . To subscribe, one person from the group needs to gather a subscription form for each member of the study group and send them in together. There is a minimum six month commitment for all study groups at this discounted rate.
We hope you will continue to enjoy your Herscu Letters. Let us know about topics you’d like to see covered in the Letters and if we can send information about the Herscu Letters to friends or colleagues.
Thank you for your support and encouragement and may your study and practice of homeopathy be an enjoyable and satisfying venture.