New England School of Homeopathy

NEJH – Perspectives in Homeopathy Index

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Issue #
Pathology /
Vol 9 #2 2001 – The Next Odyssey Rothenberg, Amy ND DHANP and Herscu, Paul ND DHANP Editorial
Vol 9 #2 A Bad Diagnosis Rothenberg, Amy ND DHANP Perspectives / Poem
Vol 2 #3 A Comparison of MacRepertory and Radar Gray, Bill MD Repertory
Vol 7 #2 A Cure, a Palliation: Reflections on the First Remedies I Prescribed Herscu, Paul ND DHANP Perspectives Anacardium / Arsenicum album / Kali arsenicosum Poison Ivy (1st) / cold & anxiety
Vol 7 #1 A Homeopathic Travel Story Murname, Sara Perspectives Malaria
Vol 3 #1 A Model of Homeopathic Interview Kreisberg, Joel DC, DNBHE Perspectives
Vol 3 #2 Across the Atlantic Herscu, Paul ND DHANP Editorial
Vol 9 #1 An Ethical Dilemma Various Quick Bytes Cancer, prostate
Vol 9 #1 An Interview with Richard Moskowitz MD Ryan, Jane CNM Philosophy
Vol 3 #1 Attention Deficit Disorder Newstaedter, Randall OMD, LAC Perspectives ADD
Vol 9 #2 Cheating Death Hoover, Todd MD Perspectives Ignatia amara Pregnancy
Vol 10 #1 Coming Out of the Darkness Like a Meteor: Dr. Hahnemann Builds his Materia Medica Morrell, Peter Historical Perspectives
Vol 2 #1 Editorial Introduction Herscu, Paul ND DHANP Editorial
Vol 9 #1 Editorial Introduction Rothenberg, Amy ND DHANP Editorial
Vol 2 #2 Editor’s Introduction Herscu, Paul ND DHANP Editorial
Vol 2 #3 Editor’s Introduction Herscu, Paul ND DHANP Editorial
Vol 8 #1 Excerpts from Stramonium: with an Introduction to Analysis Using Cycles and Segments Herscu, Paul ND DHANP Perspectives
Vol 8 #1 Excerpts from The Faces of Homeopathy Winston, Julian Perspectives
Vol 6 #2/3 Family Dynamics Ghegas, Vassilis MD Perspectives misc. remedies Family Dynamics
Vol 5 #2 Ferrum – War, Weapons & Blood Thompson, Michael FS Hom Special Topic Ferrum  
Vol 8 #2 Fluid Model of Homeopathy Shepherd, Dane DO and Lugo, Fabio MD Perspectives Osteopathy
Vol 3 #2 From the Heart Ghegas, Vassilis MD Perspectives
Vol 9 #2 Hahnemann and Homeopathy – From Romance to Post-Modernism Homeopathic History Morrell, Peter
Vol 9 #1 Hahnemann’s Evolution of Ideas: Single Drugs, Small Doses and Similars Morrell, Peter Philosophy
Vol 8 #1 Hahnemann’s Fragmenta de Viribus Medicamentorum Positivis Morrell, Peter Perspectives
Vol 6 #1 Hello Dolly! Rothenberg, Amy ND DHANP Editorial
Vol 9 #1 Homeopaths Without Borders Perspectives Kelly, Nancy
Vol 7 #1 Homeopaths without Borders: The Primacy of Primary Care Brands, Martien MD Perspectives   Primary Care
Vol 3 #4 Homeopathy in Russia Powers, Elizabeth Perspectives
Vol 9 #2 Homeopathy, Death and Dying Ryan, Jane Greene CNM, MSN Perspectives Aurum metallicum / Ignatia / Kali phosphoricum / Arsenicum album Death / Colon Cancer
Vol 9 #1 Homeopathy, Next Stop Kenya Liebendorfer, Kerrie RN Perspectives
Vol 9 #2 Hospice: A Resthouse for the Traveler Weber, Kristin Kaoverii Perspectives Arnica Death
Vol 8 #2 Hunter, Hahnemann and the Origin of Homeopathy Morrell, Peter Perspectives  
Vol 7 #1 Influenza 1918: Homeopathy to the Rescue Winson, Julian Perspectives Influenza
Vol 6 #2/3 Kids: You Can’t Live With ‘EM You Can’t Live Without ‘Em Rothenberg, Amy ND DHANP Editorial
Vol 2 #3 MacRepertory Response Kent Warkentin, David Repertory
Vol 9 #2 Midwifing a Death Gruber, Frank MD Perspectives Dying
Vol 9 #2 Midwifing a Death II Ryan, Jane Greene CNM, MSN Perspectives Death / Breast Cancer
Vol 7 #2 Multiple Sclerosis and Neurodegenerative Disorders Morrison, Roger MD Perspectives misc. remedies Neuro-
degenerative Disorders
Vol 9 #2 My Patient Died Today Hoover, Todd MD Perspectives / Poem Death
Vol 4 #1 News from the Homefront Herscu, Paul ND DHANP Editorial  
Vol 9 #1 North American Society of Homeopaths Castro, Miranda Letter to the Editor NASH
Vol 9 #2 Odds and Ends Robinson, Karl MD Bytes Lachesis / Sanguinaria / Gelsemium
Vol 10 #1 One Liners: A Cross Sectional Study Hoover, Todd MD A Remedy to Finish the Case various
Vol 3 #3 On Troubled Children Herscu, Paul ND DHANP Seminar Report Troubled Children
Vol 8 #2 Osteopathy in Real Life and How Homeopathy Can Help Shepherd, Dane DO and Lugo, Fabio MD Perspectives Osteopathy
Vol 9 #2 Pediatric Constitutional Care with Farokn Master MD Pais, Gregory ND DHANP Seminar Review
Vol 5 #4 Pertussis-Shedding Light in the Darkness Herscu, Paul ND DHANP Perspectives Pertussis
Vol 6 #2/3 Pregnant Women, To Treat or Not to Treat Herscu, Paul ND DHANP Perspectives misc. remedies Pregnancy
Vol 9 #2 Quick and Sure Nanaya, Thomas FNP Quick Bytes Belladonna / Calcarea carbonica
Vol 2 #3 Radar Response Schroyens, Frederik and Vithoulkas, George Repertory  
Vol 9 #2 Reflections on Death Nossaman, Nick MD, Dht Perspectives Arsenicum album / Belladonna Death
Vol 7 #1 Sharing Information in Epidemics – Implications for Practitioners Hoover, Todd MD Perspectives   Influenza
Vol 6 #2/3 Some Thoughts on Homeopathic Family Practice: Does Parenting Impact Constitutional Types? Should Constitutional Types in Children Impact Parenting? Rothenberg, Amy ND DHANP Perpectives misc. remedies Parenting
Vol 3 #1 Standing of Firm Ground / Seeing is Believing Herscu, Paul ND DHANP Editorial
Vol 2 #3 Stramonium or Veratrum album for David Koresh? Robinson, Karl MD Repertory Stramonium / Veratrum album Cult, head of
Vol 3 #3 Summertime and the Living is Easy … Herscu, Paul ND DHANP Editorial
Vol 7 #2 Tales of a Virgin Homeopath: Reflections on the First Remedy Given misc. Perspectives misc. remedies
Vol 4 #3 Teacher Teach Thyself, Physician Heal Thyself Rothenberg, Amy ND DHANP Editorial
Vol 8 #2 The Cranial-Sacral Model and the Fulcrum Concept as they Relate to the Herscu Materia Medica Cycle in Homeopathy Shepherd, Dane DO Perspectives Osteopathy
Vol 10 #1 The Garden of Homeopathy Rothenberg, Amy ND DHANP and Herscu, Paul ND DHANP Editorial
Vol 5 #4 The Miasm of Our Time … The Remedy of Our Time? Mittman, Paul ND DHANP Editorial Carcinosin
Vol 1 #1 The Principles of Homeopathy Jonas, Julian C.A. History & Philosophy  
Vol 5 #1 The Roots of Medorrhinum Mittman, Paul ND DHANP Editorial Medorrinum
Vol 4 #3 The Soil is Fertile – The Time is Now Rothenberg, Amy ND, DHANP Editorial  
Vol 4 #2 The Treatment of Headaches Kokelengerg, Guy MD Perspectives misc. remedies Headache
Vol 9 #2 Thoughts on the Healer and the Dying Patient Herring, Pamela ND DHANP Perspectives Death
Vol 7 #2 Thoughts on the Treatment of Seizure Disorders Herscu, Paul ND DHANP Perspectives Calcarea carbonica / Tuberculinum Seizures
Vol 3 #4 Time Rothenberg, Amy ND DHANP Editorial
Vol 10 #1 Timing is Everything Riccio, Alexandra PhD Perspectives Modalities
Vol 9 #1 To Have and Have Not: Homeopathy in Cuba Moskowitz, Richard MD Perspectives
Vol 3 #2 Transformation and Social Dynamics in Homeopathy Kreisberg, Joel, DC DHBHE Perspectives
Vol 9 #2 Reflections on Death Nossaman, Nick MD Dht Perspectives Arsenicum album / Belladonna Death
Vol 7 #2 Vipera Case Coppinger, John DO Letters to the Editor Vipera Accident, hand w / hammer
Vol 9 #2 Tales of a Virgin Homeopath: Reflections on the First Remedy Given Winston, J., Bland, T. CCH, Zastrow, N. and Toler, F. Perspectives misc.  
Vol 9 #2 The Death of a Parent Pastan, Linda Perspectives / Poem Death
Vol 5 #2 What Goes Around Comes Around Herscu, Paul ND DHANP Editorial
Vol 4 #1 What is Health? Kriesberg, Joel DC, DNBHE Perspectives
Vol 9 #2 What Lives On Perspectives Herscu, Paul ND DHANP Death
Vol 6 #2/3 Working with Babies and Children Castro, Miranda FSHom, RSHom, CCH Perspectives Children
Vol 6 #2/3 Working with the Parents: Practic Management Issues Involved with Treating Children with PDD or ADD/H Goodman-Herrick, Pearlyn ND DHANP Perspectives ADD / PDD
Vol 9 #2 Yiskor Dmitrova, Blaga Perspectives / poem

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