Featured NESH Alumna: Liat Engel ND
Liat Engel, ND
Yiftah, Israel
NESH Alumni Practitioner Directory Listing
From a young age I have searched for a deeper understanding of people and what motivates them. Out of this developed my desire to help others find healing in a fundamental and sustainable way, ultimately leading my interest in practicing alternative medicine.
With my acceptance letter to Bastyr University in hand, my beloved Chemistry pre-med advisor at the University of Hartford gave me a two-hour long pep-talk where I heard every possible reason why specifically homeopathy was completely impossible and unscientific. I was to stay clear of this quackery and warned of such nonsense! Now, looking back I realize that this was the Universe directing me towards this modality that was about to become the most meaningful discovery and training of my life.
Today, homeopathy is my primary passion and the baseline of care to all my patients. Living in Israel where the scope of practice for naturopaths is very minimized, I am evermore grateful to have homeopathy as my focus because I am able continue helping people regardless. I especially appreciate the way behavioral and emotional issues can resolve so elegantly with this powerful tool!
I value a thorough interview process that invites my patients the opportunity to share their internal motivations, struggles, and realities. This ultimately allows me to better understand where cure is needed and then prescribe holistically based on their full constitution. This is the form of service I aim to provide my patients.
I am on a mission of continual self-development; looking to deepen and expand my understanding of the world and my place in it. My spirituality, my motherhood and my connection to my patients through homeopathy and naturopathic medicine has my constant attention.

Dead Sea 2021: our first family selfie with my “hands full” of my beautiful babies!
I am also a sculptor at heart. Becoming completely lost in meditation when my hands are immersed in the element of clay that I can shape and form, carve and design, burn and then paint is a healing experience for me. However, while raising my four children over the past nine years I have less time to delve into clay so I have channeled this passion into designing and decorating my children’s birthday cakes. These cakes have become my new yearly works of art! I take pride in bringing to life their fantasies and essence in edible forms of my creativity. My love of photography has also transformed into the tool I use to record the brilliance of their childhoods. I love to capture the special moments of their development where they are discovering the world and their senses.
Living in the northern Galil mountains here in Israel where I feel connected to nature and its elements is humbling to me. We enjoy being outside traveling in nature as a family taking our children hiking to explore and play in the streams, forests and mountains that surround us. Recently my husband and I celebrated 10 years of marriage, so we set out horseback riding in the Golan Heights where the connection with the horses and the stunning views of the Golan and Sea of Galile were inspiring to us.
From NESH: When we first met Liat in 2010, she was a bright-eyed, open-hearted student in naturopathic medical school. Immediately it was obvious that she loved homeopathy and wanted to learn as much as possible. She took the class again as she became a mother of two little girls. She and her family moved to Israel, where soon after, two more children came along. Juggling motherhood and patient care is not easy, but Liat knows deeply the power of natural medicine and is committed to helping people in her care. Liat’s warmth and grace we can only imagine, are a great comfort to those lucky enough to find her as their doctor. Liat is about to take the course again, this time a refresher! We love that the NESH training can help a provider all the way across the world in their committed efforts to help others. As Dr. Engel’s practice grows, we know she helps so many people in need!
Professional Highlights:
• 2017- Present: Practicing classical homeopathy and naturopathic medicine at my private practice, Kibbutz Yiftah, Galil Heights, Israel
• 2014-2016: ND Practitioner with a focus on homeopathy at Alpine Integrated Medicine, Redmond, WA
• 2013: Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine, Bastyr University Seattle, WA
• 2010-2014: Studied with Drs. Paul Herscu & Amy Rothenberg at the New England School of Homeopathy. Enrolled in two consecutive 2 Year Courses in Seattle, WA
• 2008: BSC in Biochemistry at University of Hartford, West Hartford, CT
• Additional advanced training and certifications in MTHF-R gene mutation therapy, macro & micro vitamin and mineral nutrient support, western botanical medicine, German style contrast hydrotherapy using local water applications, visceral manipulation and craniosacral therapy.
Liat is our December 2021 Featured Alumna. Return to NESH Alumni Spotlight page to learn about other distinguished NESH alumni.