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NESH Course Evaluations
We ask that you please take time to complete the appropriate evaluation form for the NESH course you have just completed. Your feedback is invaluable to help us to continue to provide quality homeopathic education to our students now and into the future.
Note: these forms are Word documents and will be most likely found in your download folder. Please complete the evaluation form electronically in Word if you can, SAVE the file, and email it back to us as instructed. If you are unsure where to send it, contact us for further details. (Once you have the document open in Word, you should be able to click on each text box to fill it out.)
DOWNLOAD the Evaluation Form for your Appropriate NESH COURSE as requested:
2023-2024 Two-Year Develop Expertise in Homeopathy Online Course (title on the form itself is from a prior course – my apologies that has not been updated yet)

Metal work by Reid Bruggemann of Vajra Forge (NESH alumnus)