Continuing Education and Credentialing Hours with NESH
We are always happy to provide a letter verifying your hours for any NESH courses for required CE purposes at no extra charge (extra hours beyond that or to verify optional course hours will be subject to a fee). We cannot guarantee whether your particular license in your particular state/country accepts such documentation other than as outlined below. Please give us ample notice of need prior to your filing deadline.
NESH STUDENTS: Please inform us if you have been able to use NESH hours and/or study with Drs. Herscu & Rothenberg – other than as specified below – so we can update this list for the benefit of others with similar continuing education or credentialing requirements.
The New England School of Homeopathy has been APPROVED by the following governing bodies for class hours to be counted towards their requirements:
• ABHM (American Board of Homeopathic Medicine) in conjunction with AIH (American Institute of Homeopathy): accepts NESH as an educational provider towards requirements for both DABHM and DHANP credentials **. The ABHM is the certifying board for the licensed homeopathic professions of medical, osteopathic, and naturopathic physicians, dentists, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. The Diplomat of American Board of Homeopathic Medicine (DABHM), formerly known as Diplomate of Homeotherapeutics (DHt), is the oldest specialty status for homeopathic physicians in the United States.
• CHC (Council for Homeopathic Education) for CCH renewal: NESH course hours (not otherwise specifically pre-approved by ACHENA) can earn up to an annual max of 5 CEUs for Category II Option Professional Enhancement Activities.
• HANP (Homeopathic Association of Naturopathic Practitioners): NESH course hours were approved to be applied towards total requisite for DHANP designation and as required for CE’s (currently DHANP designation certification through ABHM).
• NASH (North American Society of Homeopaths): NESH course hours can be applied towards total requisite for RSHom(NA) designation ** and as required for CE’s. We understand that NASH has reciprocal agreements with a number of homeopathic organizations throughout the world including: Registered Homeopaths in Ontario, Registered practitioners of the Irish Society of Homeopaths, The Society of Homeopaths (UK), Australian Homoeopathic Association, the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths (UK), New Zealand Council of Homeopaths, and the State Councils of Homeopathy (India).
• Vermont Office of Professional Regulation for Naturopathic Physicians – NESH is an approved CE provider for VT ND’s.
• Washington State ND’s: can use NESH hours towards general non-Category #1 CE requirements without any additional approval required. (NANCEAC approved courses count as Category #1 events.)
• NOTE: NESH application is in-process for Accreditation with NANCEAC (North American Naturopathic Continuing Education Accreditation Council). Projected date for final determination: July 1, 2025
** A processing fee will apply for those seeking verification of ALL their NESH Course hours for the purpose of credentialing (beyond what is normally provided upon completion of any given course for CE purposes). Contact us for details.
Governing bodies which require PRE-APPROVAL for each “Event”:
• ACHENA for CCH renewal: pre-approval required for CEUs for Category I Homeopathy Activities designation. Status noted below for NESH Courses. (Inquire about possibility of ACHENA CEUs for any courses below for which approval has not yet been applied or has expired. Initial application needs to be submitted before the course begins.)
• California Board of Naturopathic Medicine: pre-approval required for CE’s, status noted below for NESH Courses – however as of July 2023 they are no longer approving new courses. (NANCEAC approval is also accepted by CBNM.)
• Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine: pre-approval required for CE’s, status noted below for NESH Courses however as of 2025 they are no longer accepting CE applications for online courses. (NANCEAC approval is also accepted by OBNM.)
• Various State ND Licensing Boards (such as in AZ, MA, ID, and NH): CE’s granted if approved by any other ND Licensing Body (such as CBNM, OBMN, & NANCEAC).
• NANCEAC (North American Naturopathic Continuing Education Accreditation Council): pre-approval required for each course offered, once school is accredited, for both Live and Continuous CE Activities.
NESH hours, and/or study with Drs. Herscu & Rothenberg, have also been recognized for students here:
• British Register of Complementary Practitioners (BRCP): homeopaths studying with NESH (and Drs. Paul Herscu & Amy Rothenberg throughout Europe) have had their hours of study recognized in association with their MBRCP Hom designation. (We understand others have used hours as well for UK registering bodies such as the Society of Homeopaths, the Alliance of Homeopaths, and perhaps others.)
• Germany: courses offered in Germany with Dr. Paul Herscu have been accredited for the Ärztekammer Baden-Württemberg (the official MD board) and the DZVhÄ (the homeopathic doctors association) – both organizations require pre-approval for all courses and seminars.
• Maine: State of Maine Board of Complementary Healthcare Providers
• Occupational Therapy: hours from NESH courses have been submitted nationally to the AOTA (American Occupational Therapy Association) as well as for Vermont OT license renewal.
• Switzerland: homeopaths studying with NESH (and Drs. Paul Herscu & Amy Rothenberg throughout Europe) have had their hours of study recognized for CPD from the professional register or accreditation bodies in Switzerland.
• NOTE: use of NESH hours in this category are based on individual reports by our students. As such, we likely have no further details beyond what is noted above, nor can we make any guarantees.
~●~ Status for NESH Courses ~●~
Current NESH Courses:
FOUNDATIONS of HOMEOPATHY Online Course 12-Hour Level I Introducing the Fundamentals – (enrollment open to begin the first of each month is available on a continuous basis) Participants receive Certificate of Completion verifying 12 hours of completed study.
Develop Expertise in Homeopathy Two-Year ONLINE Course: February 2025 – September 2026 – Participants receive Certificate of Completion verifying 150 hours of completed study. (Additional hours can be verified to use towards DHANP, DABHM, RSHOM(NA) credentialing, or for others as needed, based on exact hours completed.)
• ACHENA – decision pending if we’ll apply for CEUs for one 15 hr Module per course year based on our students’ needs. CCH renewal – hours can be used as Category II CEUs (max of 5 per year).
• California Board of Naturopathic Medicine – approved up to allowable maximums
• Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine – application forthcoming. Same course approved for 30 general CE’s per year (x2) in prior years
Current Courses for NESH Alumni and NESH Two-Year Course Students ONLY:
PLEASE NOTE: the following offerings are available ONLY for our NESH alumni who have completed a full course of study with NESH, students currently enrolled in our Two-Year Courses, and those who have studied extensively with Drs. Herscu & Rothenberg abroad. Contact us to enroll and/or if you have any questions if you qualify to participate.
Guided Case Studies in Theory & Practice: Diving into Polycrests PART I. 12 Month “Synchronous” Online Course – beginning January 1, 2024 / ending December 31, 2024 (to be repeated beginning January 1, 2025 / ending December 31, 2025)
• ACHENA – approved for 15 CEUs through January 1, 2026. (Course enrollment must begin by this date.) (Level 3 Event)
• Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine – is no longer approving CE’s for online courses, we are in the process of seeking accreditation for NESH from NANCEAC as an alternative. (We hope this will also address the issue that the CBNM is no longer accepting CE applications for any new courses not approved in the past)
Guided Case Studies in Theory & Practice: Diving into Polycrests PART II. 12 Month “Synchronous” Online Course – beginning January 1, 2025 / ending December 31, 2025
• ACHENA – approved for 15 CEUs through January 1, 2027. (Course enrollment must begin by this date.) (Level 3 Event)
• Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine – application submitted, status pending.
On-going Online Courses for NESH Alumni and NESH Two-Year Course Students ONLY:
The following are recordings of previous Live NESH Courses. They are available on an on-going basis for those who have met the requirements and stand on their own without additional contact with the instructors. Contact us to enroll and/or if you have any questions if you qualify to participate.
NESH Online Case Conference #1: Advanced Cases & Analysis for Complicated Patients (including 2 month patient follow ups) – (Available NOW with rolling enrollment beginning on the first of any month). Course = 27 hours.
NESH: The First 30 Years! 2020-2022: Each Session is a total of 6 hours. Enrollment is per Session, so you can pick the ones you are interested in that you missed Live.
Session #6 (November 19 & December 3, 2022) – Continuing Education Pre-Approved by:
Session #5 (May 7 & May 21, 2022) – Continuing Education Pre-Approved by:
Session #4 (October 30 & November 13, 2021) – Continuing Education Pre-Approved by:
Session #3 (November 14 & December 12, 2020) – Continuing Education Pre-Approved by:
Session #2 (August 8 & August 22, 2020) – Continuing Education Pre-Approved by:
Session #1 (June 27 & July 11, 2020) – Continuing Education Pre-Approved by:
ARCHIVED Information for recent NESH Courses: for courses that are no longer open for enrollment
Advanced in-person Clinical Class Weekend, Amherst, MA: September 27-29, 2024
Advanced in-person Clinical Class Weekend: October 20-22, 2023 (Amherst, MA)
• California Board of Naturopathic Medicine – approved for 18 general CE’s
• Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine – approved for 18 general CE Hours
Develop Expertise in Homeopathy Two-Year ONLINE Course: February 2023 – September 2024
• California Board of Naturopathic Medicine – approved up to allowable maximums
• Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine – 15 general CE’s approved for each of Modules #2 & #3 in 2023 and will be submitted for 2 Modules in 2024- also for 15 general CE’s each
Develop Expertise in Homeopathy Two-Year ONLINE Course: February 2022 – September 2023
• California Board of Naturopathic Medicine – approved up to allowable maximums
• Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine – Modules #1 & #2 in 2022 and #8 & #9 in 2023 – approved for 15 general CE’s each