New England School of Homeopathy

Current Seminar/Teaching Schedule


Thank you for your interest in our Current Seminar/Teaching Schedule. The New England School of Homeopathy has provided reliable, effective and efficient training in homeopathy to thousands of practitioners in the United States and abroad. Founded in 1990 by Drs. Paul Herscu and Amy Rothenberg, NESH teachings help translate homeopathic philosophy into the successful and enjoyable practice of this powerful medicine.

Read what students and alumni are saying about studying with Drs. Herscu & Rothenberg and the New England School of Homeopathy

Please find below a list of upcoming opportunities to study with Drs. Paul Herscu and Amy Rothenberg through the New England School of Homeopathy and at other venues both domestically and internationally.

Courses offered through the New England School of Homeopathy
Other Upcoming Conferences and Speaking Engagements in the US
International Teaching Schedule
Clinically Based Courses for NESH Alumni Only

OR, if you would like to see when/where Drs. Herscu & Rothenberg have taught over the years, please view our Seminar and Teaching Schedule Archive.

Current Courses offered through the New England School of Homeopathy:
Continuing Education and Credentialing hours available for many

Our courses are designed to educate the beginner and to enhance the practicing homeopath’s knowledge so that consistent, favorable results are found for patients. Please contact us for more information.

September 1 – October 31, 2024Foundations of Homeopathy ONLINE Level 1 Course: Introducing the Fundamentals. To join this Session, please register by August 25th. (Next Session begins October 1st, and monthly thereafter.)

February 2025 – September 2026: Develop Expertise in Homeopathy Two-Year ONLINE Course

Module #1: February 1 – March 31, 2025 
Module #2: April 1- May 31, 2025
Module #3: June 1 – July 31, 2025 
Module #4: August 1 – September 30, 2025 
Module #5: October 1 – November 30, 2025 
Module #6: December 1, 2025 – January 31, 2026
Module #7: February 1 – March 31, 2026
Module #8: April 1 – May 31, 2026
Module #9: June 1 – July 31, 2026 
Module #10: August 1 – September 30, 2026

February 2024 – September 2025: Develop Expertise in Homeopathy Two-Year ONLINE Course

Module #1: February 1 – March 31, 2024
Module #2: April 1- May 31, 2024
Module #3: June 1 – July 31, 2024
Module #4: August 1 – September 30, 2024
Module #5: October 1 – November 30, 2024
Module #6: December 1, 2024January 31, 2025
Module #7: February 1 – March 31, 2025
Module #8: April 1 – May 31, 2025
Module #9: June 1 – July 31, 2025
Module #10: August 1 – September 30, 2025

Other Upcoming Conference and Speaking Engagements in the US:

September 16, 2024: Dr. Amy Rothenberg, in conjunction with the North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH), will offer a free 1 hour webinar for NASH members.

Topic: How to Write for a Public Audience on the Topic of Homeopathy

Registration and more information closer to the time:

October 5th, 2024:  Dr. Amy Rothenberg will speak at the Annual NYANP Conference “Naturopathic Medicine is REAL Intelligence!”.  This year’s conference is ONLINE.

Topic: You’re Not the Boss of Me: Managing Behavioral Problems in Preschool and School-aged Children. Most parents start out with hopes of creating a happy family with well-adjusted children, but it doesn’t always work out that way. Dr. Rothenberg will share from her decades of practice as both an ND and a mother, ways to encourage and teach parents how to address common challenges of the job.

Registration:  FREE to attend, donations welcome

October 5th, 2024:  Dr. Paul Herscu will speak at the Annual NYANP Conference “Naturopathic Medicine is REAL Intelligence!”.  This year’s conference is ONLINE.

Topic: The Homeopathic Treatment of Head Injury/Unconsciousness/Coma States. It can be challenging to treat those who are not conscious for many reasons from their inability to communicate, to having access in the hospital setting, to teasing out what a remedy does versus the many other interventions taking place. Dr. Herscu will share from his extensive experience with practical and reproducible insight and guidance.

Registration:  FREE to attend, donations welcome


International Teaching Schedule:

November 7-10, 2024: Dr. Paul Herscu Live Seminar/ Case Conference in Freiburg, Germany. (Seminar will be in English without translation.)

Topic: Follow-ups & Long-term Case Management

Registration and for more information closer to the time:  herscu-seminar[at] (Seminar open only to current & prior participants in the Herscu Seminar series, or by special invitation.)


Clinically Based Courses for NESH Alumni ONLY:

Continuing Education and Credentialing hours available for many

NESH ALUMNI – contact us to enroll in any of the following

IN-PERSON Opportunities:

September 27-29, 2024: Join Drs. Amy Rothenberg and Paul Herscu for an in-person Clinical Class Weekend (NESH Alumni only). 3 full days (9am-5pm) in Amherst, MA.

Synchronous ONLINE Opportunities:

January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024: Guided Case Studies in Theory & Practice: Diving into Polycrests, 12 Month Online Course for NESH Alumni only.

Asynchronous ONLINE Opportunities:

​​NESH Online Case Conference #1: Advanced Cases & Analysis for Complicated Patients – (Available NOW with rolling enrollment beginning on the first of any month.) This is a recording of our October 2023 in-person Clinical Class Weekend.

NESH: The First 30 Years! 2020-2022: Each Session is a total of 6 hours, broken into 2 Parts. (Available for On-line Viewing) 

Online Case-Based Learning Series for NESH Alumni only: Read what our alumni say about these Sessions

RECORDINGS of our 6 Sessions of ​NESH: The First 30 Years! from 2020-2022 are still open for enrollment (NESH Alumni only):

Session #1: June 27 & July 11, 2020

Topic Part A: Nuts & Bolts via Case Reviews plus materia medica of Ipecac
Topic Part B: Improving Patient Outcomes via Case Reviews plus materia medica of Lobelia

Session #2: August 8 & August 22, 2020

Topic Part A: Anxiety plus materia medica of Lathyrus Sativas
Topic Part B: Anxiety plus materia medica of Theridion and Oleander

Session #3: November 14 & December 12, 2020

Topic Part A: Lingering Disease plus materia medica of Zincum metallicum
Topic Part B: Lingering Disease (with COVID cases) plus materia medica of Cocculus indica and Cinchona (China)

Session #4: October 30 & November 13, 2021
The course recording for Session #4 is also available in German (course text in Portal is however in English).

Topic Part A: Imperfect Disease with 3 COVID-19 cases where severe diarrhea was the prominent feature plus materia medica of Aloe, Croton tiglium, Gambogia, Gratiola, and Podophyllum
Topic Part B: Hysteria/Conversion Disorder, the Disquiet Mind. Broad discussion of the rubric Hysteria and how it is playing out in 2021 plus materia medica of Abies nigra, Cactus, Caulophyllum, Chamomilla, Cimicifuga and Nux moschata

Session #5: May 7 & May 21, 2022 : A Structured Discussion on the Approach to Post COVID Health Challenges.

Topic Part A: Post Acute COVID-19 Syndrome with 5 cases, including one live case where cardiac issues were the prominent feature. Also explored the topic of hair loss and the materia medica of Bothrops.
Topic Part B: Discussions around vaccine theory, timing, boosters, and sequelae. Review of Acute vs. Chronic prescribing, auto-immune dissease, materia medica of Adonis & Kalmia with reference to other cardiac related remedies and concepts, plus live case of long haul COVID with exhaustion.

Session #6: November 19, 2022 & December 3, 2022: Lemons and Lemonade: Solutions to Challenges of Current Practice

Topic Part A: Materia medica of Bromium. A short discussion of Miasms, plus using of how folks dealt with COVID as a lens into their homeopathic remedy. New live case of 11 year old with Down’s/ASD. A follow up of live case from Session #5B.
Topic Part B: Few Medorrhinum cases, including acute Covid. Materia medica of Ruta, ​Stann, Lyss, Calad, and Nat-ar. A follow up of the  live case from Session #5A.

This page updated as of: August 28, 2024
