Opportunities & Information for our NESH Alumni

NESH 2 Year Class 2007-2009, Amherst, MA
Welcome to the NESH alum area of our website where we have worked to collect everything we think you’d like to have at your fingertips.
- NESH Alumni Practitioner Directory: If you are accepting new patients and use homeopathy as one of your treatment modalities, you can be listed here for free.
- Our Teaching Schedule for lectures near you
- NESH Website Search: you can search for any word in the header above using “Search Site”- look up a diagnosis, remedies by name, or anything else you’d like to search for!
- Detailed Index for Back Issues of NEJH
- Herscu Letter Table of Contents and Index by Remedy: available for current subscribers (see details below under Herscu Letter)
Dr. Rothenberg Case Supervision Guidelines:
Dr. Rothenberg offers case supervision to those practitioners and students who have completed the NESH Two Year Class. She also offers sessions where you can ask general homeopathy questions, by phone, email or Skype.
Advanced Clinical Class Weekends For NESH Alum:
Once you have studied with NESH and have a solid foundation in Cycles and Segments, we offer Clinical Class Weekends where all the work, study and time together can come to fruition. This Clinical Course is offered only to those individuals who have completed a full NESH program either in Amherst, Seattle, Portland, Boston, Florida, or abroad.
We currently offering these weekends on both the East & West Coasts. For more information and upcoming dates, click here. To pay for these courses via PayPal either with your PayPal account or regular credit card, click here. Alum who have attended a clinical class can join our Yahoo list where general homeopathy or practice questions as well as questions on cases are posted for feedback by peers. This is an active board many of our alum find useful.
Herscu Letter Subscription:
If you received the Herscu Letter as part of your Two Year Course and are not a current subscriber, this is an excellent way to continue to study with us! We’d be happy to start you back up from where ever you left off and we have kept records of that!
We have indexed the Letters by remedy and have also compiled a detailed Table of Contents for them – both of which make the Letters a valuable & user friendly resource. Current subscribers will receive an email with the password to access those on a yearly basis. Email us if you’d like to resume your subscription.
Repeating the NESH Two Year Course:
As a NESH Two Year Class alum, repeating an equivalent course is half price. NESH is currently offering our Two-Year Online Develop Expertise in Homeopathy Course starting February 2024, for those of you interested. Those who have repeated the class have loved the way they hear and understand at a deeper level. For those who have begun to practice, the repetition enables them to apply information in a clinical setting with more confidence & competence. It can be more relaxing learning the second time through, when the larger picture is understood and more details can be filled in.
Stay in Contact:
- Please be sure to keep us updated on your current mailing & email address. We love to stay in touch and will keep you updated on what’s new with NESH.
- Find us on Facebook.
- Sign up to receive our two lovely, information packed eNewsletters: Less is More: An Occasional eNewsletter from the New England School of Homeopathy AND FieldNotes from Naturopathic Health Care, Drs. Rothenberg & Herscu’s Clinic.
- Share your thoughts & comments: we are constantly updating our website & no one knows us better than our alum. If you’d like to share your thoughts/comments about studying with NESH and/or any of our books or other media publications/services for us to share with website visitors – please let us know. We appreciate all of your support and encouragement over the years and look forward to continuing to spread the good work of homeopathy & natural medicine.
NESH Alumni Photo Album:
Under construction – coming soon. If you have any photos of your NESH class that you’d like to share, please email them to us.
Recommended Books:
Some of the books Amy uses a lot to help with ND recommendations, enjoy! Of course there are many more, but this is a good start!
- Prescription for Natural Cures [Paperback] James Balch (Author), Mark Stengler (Author)
- Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, Revised Second Edition [Paperback] Michael Murray (Author), Joseph Pizzorno (Author)
- Herbal Prescriptions for Better Health: Your Everyday Guide to Prevention, Treatment, and Care [Hardcover] Donald J Brown N.D. (Author)
- Women’s Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine: Alternative Therapies and Integrative Medicine for Total Health and Wellness [Paperback] Tori Hudson (Author)
- The Definitive Guide to Cancer, 3rd Edition: An Integrative Approach to Prevention, Treatment, and Healing (Alternative Medicine Guides) [Paperback] Lise N. Alschuler (Author), Karolyn A. Gazella (Author)
Additional Items of Interest:
We are continuing to add content to our site. Here are some pages you might find interesting and/or might want to pass along to a friend/colleague:
- Articles on Homeopathy
- Reflections by Dr. Amy Rothenberg
- Naturopathic Health Care website
- Amy Rothenberg’s author website
- Webinars, Audio, & MP3’s
- Back Issues of the New England Journal of Homeopathy
- Books & Other Media
- What Is Cycles & Segments, And How Can I Learn More?
- Other Projects Paul & Amy are involved with